608 602 611Mon – Fri
9 AM – 5 PM

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General English - Advanced

Level:Advanced (C1)Unsure about your proficiency? Take an online proficiency test.
Location:BUDĚJOVICKÁ, Pacovská 869/31, Praha 4
Date:28/02/ – 26/06/
Day:WednesdayNumber of meetings:15
Time:17:00 – 18:30 (90 minutes)45min. lessons:30
Intesity:1 × per weekNumber of participants:maximum 12 persons
Instructor:Leah Clark (Native speaker)Course code:23188

Price:2,950 CZK 5,100 CZK (DISCOUNT 2150 CZK) 
9,650 CZK 10,200 CZK (DISCOUNT 550 CZK)

This is a new course. It is not directly linked to any course in the previous semester and is therefore ideal for new students.

What is the entry level of this course?

The course is designed for students for whom the following statement is true:
I feel I can manage the essential areas of the language. I would like to expand my vocabulary and go more deeply into grammar. I'd like to talk with a native speaker and then discuss with him/her where I made mistakes.


Who will lead the course?

The course is taught by a native speaker.

How does the teaching work?

  • You will speak only English
  • You will practice all the basic language skills (speaking, reading, writing, listening)

How do I determine my language level?


BUDĚJOVICKÁ, Pacovská 869/31, Praha 4

  • Doprava MHD: Metro trasa C, Budějovická a pak asi 2 minuty pěšky. Z vestibulu vystupte na té straně, kde jsou obyčejné schody (ne eskalátor). Učebny jsou v budově polikliniky Pacovská přímo naproti výstupu z metra. Pozor, na Budějovické jsou dvě polikliniky, ta naše je za velkou budovou Raiffeisenbank a KFC.
  • Doprava autem: Parkování v modré zóně na parkovacích hodinách

Order course

Price: 2,950 CZK 5,100 CZK (DISCOUNT 2150 CZK) 
9,650 CZK 10,200 CZK (DISCOUNT 550 CZK)

Who is the instructor?

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Leah Clark

Lektorka Leah Clark pochází z USA. V Houstonu vystudovala anglickou literaturu a francouzštinu. Než se přestěhovala do Prahy, pracovala jako suplující učitelka. V Praze Leah absolvovala lektorský kurz TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Leah učí děti i dospělé.

Course textbooks

EF Advanced Multi A.jpg

English File Advanced Multipack A FOURTH edition

Required - Main coursebook used in course

520 CZK