608 602 611Mon – Fri
9 AM – 5 PM

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General English - Pre-Intermediate II.

Level:Pre-Intermediate (A2)Unsure about your proficiency? Take an online proficiency test.
Location:HRADČANSKÁ, Badeniho 290/1, Praha 6
Date:06/03 – 19/06
Day:ThursdayNumber of meetings:14
Time:18:40 – 20:10 (90 minutes)45min. lessons:28
Intesity:1 × per weekNumber of participants:maximum 12 persons
Instructor:Course code:25194

Price:5,050 CZK  
9,550 CZK 10,100 CZK (DISCOUNT 550 CZK)

This course is taught by a Czech teacher. Czech language is used to explain grammar and new vocabulary. Please switch to the Czech version of the eshop to find out more about the course.



HRADČANSKÁ, Badeniho 290/1, Praha 6

  • Doprava MHD: Metro trasa A, Hradčanská a pak asi 4 minuty pěšky podél tramvaje směrem k Pražskému hradu. Učebny jsou naproti izraelskému velvyslanectví.
  • Doprava autem: Parkování v modré zóně na parkovacích hodinách, větší parkoviště je v ulici Na Valech.

Order course

Price: 5,050 CZK  
9,550 CZK 10,100 CZK (DISCOUNT 550 CZK)

Course textbooks

Pre_Intermediate SB.jpg

English File 4th edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book

Required - Main coursebook used in course

650 CZK


English File 4th edition Pre-Intermediate Workbook

Recommended - these coursebooks can be used in course

400 CZK