608 602 611Mon – Fri
9 AM – 5 PM

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English Conversation - Advanced

Level:Advanced (C1)Unsure about your proficiency? Take an online proficiency test.
Location:FLORENC, Ke Štvanici 4, Praha 8
Date:29/10/ – 25/02/
Day:TuesdayNumber of meetings:16
Time:07:30 – 09:00 (90 minutes)45min. lessons:32
Intesity:1 × per weekNumber of participants:maximum 10 persons
Instructor:Jordan Kocherhans (Native speaker)Course code:23873

Price:5,450 CZK  
9,950 CZK 10,900 CZK (DISCOUNT 950 CZK)

What is the entry level of this course?

The course is designed for students for whom the following statement is true:
I feel I can manage the essential areas of the language. I would like to expand my vocabulary and go more deeply into grammar. I'd like to talk with a native speaker and then discuss with him/her where I made mistakes.

Who will lead the course?

The teacher is a native speaker who does not speak Czech.

How does the teaching work?

  • You will speak only in English
  • The course is designed for students who need to talk and don’t want to put emphasis on grammar
  • Less attention will be paid to grammar than in general English courses. The teacher will explain any grammar that gives the students trouble and which inhibits conversation
  • Every lesson, the conversation will take place on a different topic, to be selected at the beginning of the course
  • The teacher will offer a list of topics from which you can choose during the first class. Students can also suggest themes.

How do I determine my language level?

What else I need too know?

Your teacher will combine various materials from different sources – Internet, Newspapers, Magazines, News, Conversation books


FLORENC, Ke Štvanici 4, Praha 8

  • Doprava MHD: Metro trasa B a C, Florenc a pak pěšky asi 2 minuty. Učebny se nacházejí v rohové oválné budově České spořitelny u magistrály, vstup je vedle kina Atlas.
  • Doprava autem: Nedoporučujeme dopravu vlastním vozem. Případně lze použít parkoviště u autobusového nádraží Florenc nebo parkoviště pod magistrálou přes tramvajové koleje naproti McDonald's.

Order course

Price: 5,450 CZK  
9,950 CZK 10,900 CZK (DISCOUNT 950 CZK)

Who is the instructor?

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Jordan Kocherhans

Jordan Kocherhans je sympatický lektor angličtiny z USA. Vystudoval učitelství pro základní školy a pracoval jako učitel na základní škole v Utahu. Jordan má také zkušenosti s výukou angličtiny v Číně a Jižní Koreji. V Praze učí angličtinu děti i dospělé. Jordan patří mezi naše nejoblíbenější lektory.